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Dakota County Property Records

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Dakota County Property Search

Dakota property records are legal documents containing information on a property’s ownership, use, legal description, and taxes. Property documents are presented by members of the public to the Department of Property Taxation and Records for recording.

Carrying out a Dakota Property search grants an inquirer access to property records and other Dakota County Public Records. This helps persons determine ownership, aids potential buyers in making informed decisions on the price and purchase of a property, and provides researchers with information about a property's market and historical value.

Are Dakota County Property Records Public?

Yes. According to § 13.03 of the Minnesota Statute, all records maintained by public offices are assumed public records and are readily made accessible to members of the public. This law makes provision for the administration of property records to members of the public by the custodian of the records, who in this case is the Property Taxation and Records Department.

Notwithstanding, certain records as stated by law are confidential and not obtainable by members of the public.

Where to Perform a Dakota County Property Lookup

Members of the public can perform Dakota County property lookup in person or online.

To perform an in-person lookup, the inquirer should visit the office Department of Property Taxation and Records which is located at the address below.

Administrative Center
1590 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone: (651) 438-4576

Online, interested parties can access Dakota County’s property records through the county’s profit-oriented product which is managed by the Recorder and Registrar of Titles Office. The fee to carry out a search is provided on the county’s web page. Please know that the monthly subscription fee to be paid still applies even if one does not carry out a search in a month. Interested individuals can perform a name, tract index, or document type search.

There is a guide provided on the county’s website for residents who want to become registered users of the property record database product.

Inquirers can also send inquiry emails to _records@co.dakota.mn.us._

How to Perform a Property Owner Lookup in Dakota County

Generally, documents of properties contain information about their ownership. Members of the public can access this information whether online or in person.

Online, one can either use the Dakota County property information search tool or the paid search tool maintained by the Recorder and Registrar of Titles office to find the owner of a property. Those using the property information search tool would need to provide an address or a parcel number.

On the other hand, researchers can visit the Department of Property Taxation and Records during work hours to ask questions. One may need to provide information such as the address of the property or its parcel number.

How to Find Dakota County Property Records Online

An inquirer can perform a Dakota property records lookup online via the county’s web page.

Additionally, members of the public can also decide to carry out a search on a third-party site that offers access to Dakota property documents.

Carrying out a search on third-party sites may slightly differ as the criteria, scope, and applied fee (free or paid) would most likely not be the same. However, generally, one would need to fill out parameters which may be the name of the property owner, or the property’s address to perform a search.

How to Find Property Owner by Address for Free

Interested individuals can perform a property owner search by address for free using the property tax information search tool available on Dakota County’s website. One of the search parameters provided is an address search.

Dropping by the Department of Property Tax and Record Office is another option. One would be required to provide the address of the property.

Dakota County Property Tax Lookup

One can perform a Dakota County property tax lookup online by utilizing the Dakota County property search information tool. Inquirers can also stop at the Office of the Department of Property Tax and Record to look up property tax. The address is as follows,

Administration Center
1590 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone: (651) 438-4576

Queries can as well be sent via mail to either taxation@co.dakota.mn.usorrecords@co.dakota.mn.us.

How to Find Dakota County Property Appraiser

Public members can find a Dakota County property appraiser on the website of the Minnesota Department of Commerce. On the home page

  • Select the ‘lookup license a holder’ at the top of the page, a license look-up directory page will be displayed
  • Scroll up, select a license type (appraiser), and click search, a page including a link to the license holder search tool will be displayed

On clicking the link, a page will be displayed where the inquirer would need to select ‘appraiser’ from the drop list. Once that is done, a list of services which one can choose from will be displayed.

  • Click on ‘search licensee’

A license search page would be displayed where researchers can search for a Dakota appraiser. One would need to provide a license number or name of the license holder, a license type, and a city.

Dakota County Property Assessor

The following services are offered by the Dakota County property accessor

  • Estimation of the value of a property based on the economic condition of the county and the physical state of the property
  • Employment of property appraisers
  • Determination of the appropriate use and tax of a property

One can contact the Dakota County property accessor by filling out an online form or visiting the office in person during business hours at the address below

Administrative Center
1590 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033

Interested persons can also contact the Dakota County assessor by email at _accessing.services@co.dokata.mn.us_or by calling (651) 438-4200